It’s true that dental implants blend in seamlessly alongside your natural teeth to boost your smile. But there’s much more to these impactful additions.
Dental implants can actually help you live longer, as well! Tooth loss opens the door to a myriad of health problems. That’s why it’s important to decide on a tooth replacement method and act as soon as possible.
Read on to discover how dental implants in Natick can boost your life expectancy and ensure you look better while loving life.
Reduce Your Odds of Facing Gum Disease
Getting dentures will require you to learn a different cleaning method than you’ve been accustomed to with your teeth. And flossing isn’t exactly easy when you have a dental bridge. But if your cleaning methods aren’t up to par, each of those options is going to be havens for oral bacteria to put you at risk of gum disease and further tooth loss.
If gum disease is detected in its early stages, it is treatable. When left untreated for too long, however, you must worry about type-two diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.
Since the cleaning process for dental implants is simple, the threat of gum disease is not as high. All you have to do is brush and floss like you would for natural teeth.
Enable Yourself to Eat More Nutritious Foods
People who wear dentures have a lengthy list of foods they are supposed to avoid eating. The real kicker is that a lot of those items are high in nutrition and it’s not good for them to be off the table. For example, raw veggies like carrots are chock-full of nutrients. They lessen a person’s risk for several health issues, but they are also a risky chewing challenge for denture wearers.
Due to the ease that soft, processed foods offer people with dentures, they are often chosen over much healthier items. Fortunately, when you go with dental implants for tooth replacement you can munch on carrots and make other quality dietary decisions a breeze.
Elevate Your Self-Esteem
People who have worn dentures understand the insecurity that can come with realizing they might slip out of place at times. And having missing teeth can be hard on one’s self-image.
When you are too hard on yourself, it can cause you to withdraw from the important people in your life or skip out on the exercise you used to be more consistent about doing. As dental implants look just like your natural teeth, they help provide a smile you feel better about seeing in the mirror each day.
Dental implants are a significant investment to be sure, but they make a major impact on your life in multiple ways. Everyone wants to live longer with a better smile and be more confident in themselves. If that does indeed apply to you, schedule a consultation with your dentist in Natick to get started!
About the Author
Dr. Christina Papageorgiou earned her dental degree from the University of Michigan. She has been awarded for her efforts in clinical dentistry and special care dentistry, plus she’s received recognition in the U.S. and Japan for her dental research accomplishments. Dr. Papageorgiou is a proud member of the American Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry. If you are interested in dental implants, Papageorgiou Dental Associates can take care of the entire process under one roof, they have a board-certified periodontist on staff, and their office offers several amenities to ensure patient comfort. To learn more, schedule a consultation by visiting her website or calling (508) 545-1126.