How to Stop Snoring in Natick

December 22, 2016

Snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea. Avoid the adverse health effects of snoring with oral appliance therapy from Papageorgiou Dental Associates in Natick.

People tell plenty of jokes about their spouses’ snoring. It peels the wallpaper. It rattles the windows. The list of barbs goes on, but did you ever consider that snoring may be a symptom of a serious health problem?

It can be, says the National Sleep Foundation. This group of sleep experts says that 37 million adult Americans snore regularly, and about half of these individuals have a dangerous health disorder called sleep apnea. In Natick, Dr. Christina Papageorgiou pinpoints sleep apnea and offers solutions to counter it and deliver better sleep and a healthier you.


Dangers and Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Natick

October 20, 2016

Snoring is a sign of a dangerous condition called sleep apnea in Natick. Learn how to stop snoring with treatment from Dr. Christina Papageorgiou.

Waking up suddenly because you cannot breathe–this is not normal, and it often signifies a harmful health condition called sleep apnea. Natick dentist, Dr. Christina Papageorgiou, offers treatment for this sleep disorder so patients rest and have the vibrant health they deserve.


Sleep Apnea and Getting Relief From Your CPAP Machine

August 1, 2015

Filed under: Sleep apnea — Tags: , , , , — Papageorgiou Dental Associates @ 3:45 pm

CPAP reliefSleep apnea is a condition that affects millions of Americans (18 million) and is diagnosed in mass quantities each and every year. Most often, the CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is recommended for patients suffering from sleep apnea. However, not everyone enjoys the treatment. In some cases, patients will completely object to CPAP treatment. There’s a reason it is the gold standard for sleep apnea cases, but sometimes it’s just too much for some people. There are plenty of alternatives to curb sleep apnea without incorporating any CPAP treatment. Our office in Natick, MA wants you to know that you have choices when it comes to receiving treatment for your condition. Dr. Papageorgiou attacks sleep apnea the way it should, with aggressive treatment that inches you closer to enjoying a night filled with wondrous sleep. Are you ready to ditch the CPAP and take back your nights?