Are you in search of ways to elevate your smile without delving into invasive treatments? It’s crucial to find a dentist who understands the importance of a confident and dazzling smile. While some procedures may entail a degree of invasiveness, there are also a multitude of cosmetic dental options at your disposal to help you attain your desired outcomes. In this article, we will delve into a selection of non-invasive enhancements that can enhance your smile.
(more…)Papageorgiou Dental Associates Blog
3 Easy Treatments to Help You Improve Your Smile
August 8, 2023
Reasons to See Your Dentist Before a Trip This Summer
June 10, 2023
This summer it may be nice to get away from everything, enjoying the fresh sights and sounds of travel. However, no matter where you go, your teeth are always going to be right there with you.
That’s why most dentists recommend coming in for a checkup before leaving on any kind of vacation. Here’s why that’s something you should keep in mind this summer.
(more…)The Difference Between Dental Crowns and Fillings
March 7, 2023
Dental crowns and fillings are two of the most popular restorative procedures. However, they are two very different treatments. Although both can fix damaged teeth, only one may be right for you. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between fillings and dental crowns to make the best decision for your smile.
4 Common Myths About Gum Disease – Debunked!
January 25, 2023
Do you have achy red gums that bleed easily? Gum disease is fairly common, but just like many other conditions, people don’t tend to know much about it. There are all sorts of misconceptions floating around the internet, so you shouldn’t always believe what you read. It pays to be well-informed about some of the most common myths out there and why they are incorrect. Read on to learn about the most popular misinformation.
(more…)4 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile
December 19, 2022
Coming up with the perfect New Year’s resolution can be kind of daunting. People often overestimate how much they can complete in one year and end up feeling discouraged. Finding a balance between something that challenges you and something you can reasonably do over the next 365 days can be tricky. That’s why making New Year’s resolutions for your smile is such a good idea. Continue reading to learn about four resolutions that will aid you in achieving a healthy, happy smile by the end of next year.
(more…)How Long is a Dental Crown’s Reign?
October 3, 2022
All hail a restored tooth! Dental crowns are the most common type of dental restoration. These custom-made caps cover the entire tooth above the gum line and allow an improved appearance, function, and protection. From a misshaped or discolored tooth to restoring or protecting a broken tooth, dental crowns are supreme! But how long can you expect them to last? Your dentist is here to fill you in on their life expectancy and what you can do to help them last as long as possible.
(more…)Four Tips for Maximizing Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year
September 1, 2022
Dental insurance is one of the best ways that you can safeguard your smile; however, you still must know how to fully utilize your benefits! And many patients unfortunately feel lost when trying to navigate the complexities of their insurance plans. If you fall into this category, don’t fret—here are four helpful tips from your dentist to make sure you’re maximizing your dental insurance benefits before the end of the year.
(more…)Why Seniors Should Consider a Dental Membership Plan
August 2, 2022
Your oral health matters throughout your whole life—and unfortunately, taking care of your pearly whites becomes increasingly difficult as you get older. But luckily, dental membership plans offer an easy and convenient way for seniors to receive the coverage they need to ensure that their smile is happy and healthy without breaking the bank. Keep reading to learn more about why dental coverage matters and how seniors can greatly benefit from having it through a membership plan.
(more…)How Do I Prepare for Invisalign Treatment?
March 4, 2022
You weighed the pros and cons of traditional metal braces, but after you learned more about teeth-straightening options you ended up choosing to pursue a smile upgrade with clear aligners. As the day draws near to get started, you realize you could benefit from further info on how to prepare for Invisalign treatment. Keep reading to get some helpful tips from your dentist in Natick.
(more…)Does Sleep Apnea Make You Age More Quickly?
January 11, 2022
Do you snore loudly? Do you wake up feeling irritated and tired after a full night of sleep? If so, you may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Although you may not think it’s a big deal, choosing not to seek treatment can have detrimental effects on your quality of life. In fact, a recent study conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found that untreated sleep apnea can lead to epigenetic age acceleration. Read on to learn more about this study and the consequences of untreated sleep apnea.