Natick, MA dentist asks: are you grinding your teeth?

June 24, 2016

Tooth grinding (bruxism) affects millions of American adults, resulting in fracture, facial pain and more. Consult your Natick, MA dentist for solutions.

Headaches, facial pain, jaw dysfunction and dental damage–these symptoms sound like the results of an auto accident. However, they often signify a common dental disorder called tooth grinding, or bruxism. Dr. Christina Papageorgiou can diagnose bruxism in her Natick, MA office and offer workable remedies to optimize patient comfort and minimize damage. (more…)

Preventive Dentist, Natick, MA

July 13, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-186284986Did you ever play would you rather as a child? The point of the game is to offer a person two equally terrible activities, and see which of the two the person chooses. When it comes to caring for your teeth, would you rather stop problems before they start, or treat dental health issues after they’ve done damage? Most people wouldn’t even hesitate on this extremely simple round of “would you rather”: stopping problems before they start is the clear choice. Luckily for us, this doesn’t have to be only a game. The choice is truly yours. Preventive dental treatments from Papageorgiou Dental Associates in Natick, MA stop dental damage before it starts. Call to schedule an appointment today.

Dental Health Habits

The best way to ensure continued oral health, is to remember to visit our office twice a year, and brush twice a day. By committing to these two simple steps, you commit to lifelong oral health. It’s as easy at that. Humans are creatures of habit. Some habits we want to break like always eating a bag of chips in front of the tv after work, but others we work hard to establish and maintain. Eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and caring for our teeth building these habits help us to feel better, look great, and live a longer, happier life. At Papageorgiou Dental Associates, we’re here to help you achieve your oral health care goals.

Twice a Year

Every six months, we look forward to seeing your smiling face, and we hope visiting our office is something you look forward to. Our dedicated staff strives to make every visit comfortable and beneficial. Your consistent hygiene appointments support your at home dental health care routine so teeth stay clean and healthy. At your regular checkups one of our skilled dentists will thoroughly examine your teeth and mouth. We’ll look for tooth decay and other damage, but our doctors also screen for periodontal (gum) disease, bruxism (grinding/clenching teeth), TMJ disorder, and oral cancer. Because our team examines your bite every six months, we are able to spot irregularities quickly and determine if treatment is necessary. The more familiar our knowledgeable staff becomes with your oral health the better able we are to treat you, and best of all prevent many oral health issues from ever happening.

Twice a Day

Preventive dental care starts at home. Your regular checkups would do you little good, if you never brushed or flossed your teeth between visits. Establishing thorough, consistent home cleaning habits is essential to maintain oral health. Adult patients may benefit from re-examining their brushing habits to get the most out of their twice daily routine. One great method for brushing your teeth is referred to as the “Bass method” this style of brushing allows patients to maximize the benefits of their daily brushing. Here’s how you can use the Bass method:

  1. Always brush for at least 2 minutes using a toothpaste with 1000ppm to 1100ppm of fluoride
  2. Starting on the top, back teeth, placed your tooth brush at a 45 degree angle along the gum line
  3. Gently move your toothbrush back and forth along the gum line in a vibrational motion staying on the same set of teeth
  4. Count to ten
  5. Sweep your tooth brush quickly downward on the outside of the set of teeth you were cleaning
  6. Reposition on the next set of teeth and repeat for front and backs of top and bottom arches
  7. For the biting surface of teeth, use a quick back and forth motion to loosen matter, and a sweeping motion to remove it
  8. Don’t forget to gently brush the inside of the mouth and the tongue

Find out More

We want you to have the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted, and the best place to start is with your own teeth. Whatever your dental health care needs, Papageorgiou Dental Associates is here to help. Call to schedule an appointment at our convenient Natick, MA office. We welcome patients from surrounding areas including Ashland, Wayland, Newton, and Weston.

Understanding Bruxism and How It Affects You

January 9, 2014

Do you often wake up with a headache or a sore, throbbing jaw? For many men and women, this is a common occurrence. The act of excessively clenching the jaw or grinding the teeth during sleep is called bruxism and, when left untreated, can result in damage to the teeth and jaw.

What Causes Bruxism?

Most individuals who suffer from sleep bruxism are unaware of their condition. Typically, a partner, roommate or sibling is the first to notice the tell-tale gnashing sound while the affected person is asleep. In extreme cases, teeth may even crack or break free of the gum over time due to the immense pressure involved.

Causes of bruxism range from psychological stress and sleep disorders to certain medications and daytime consumption of caffeine. Approximately 86 percent of bruxism instances throughout the night occur during periods of light sleep.

There is evidence that people who smoke, consume medications containing amphetamine or have sleep apnea are more likely suffer from bruxism. All of these things are known to disrupt sleep patterns.

Treatment of Sleep Bruxism

Dr. Papageorgiou and her team have extensive experience in the management of this condition. We offer simple, effective treatments for bruxism that fit your lifestyle.

If your bruxism has caused damage to the teeth or bones of the jaw, reconstruction may be needed to restore the beauty and function of your smile. Dr. Papageorgiou may prescribe an occlusal splint, or dental guard, that you wear at night to prevent further grinding. Most patients report almost immediate relief with this method of treatment.

Contact your local Natik dentist today to find out how our caring, experienced team can help you manage your bruxism with a nighttime mouth guard, custom-fit to your teeth. We also happily serve patients from Wayland, Wellesley, Framingham, Ashland, Weston, Sherborn and the surrounding areas.